
Tuesday 11 February 2014

My amazing life has began!

The header was actually a past and concluded statement, and you know the awesome part? You read it to yourself, so it belongs to you.

Everlasting plegde to Body, Soul, and Spirit...

Because i am created in the light of the almighty and limitless authority, i patake of the endless LOVE of the eternal One. God the Father...

Gratitude o the supreme One!

The grateful outreaching of your mind in thankful praise to the supreme is a liberation of force, it can not fail to reach that which it is addressed, and the reaction is an instantaneous movement towards you


There is a thinking substance from which all things are made,in is original state, it has the power to penerate, permeate and to fill the interspace of the universe.

Thursday 6 February 2014

The One!!!

There is the is this thinking substance from which all things emerge and its all with you,it respond to your demand on it and your faith and believe to it.


When you life expresses gratitude,then you are on a frequency of attracting more of your desires. GRATITUDE IS RICHES | COMPLAINT IS POVERTY!

Great Power!!!

There is a great power within you that to manifest anything your heart desires. Whether it is an abundant financial situation, a physical healing, satisfying relationships, the ideal career, or a spiritual awakening. Awaken this sleeping energy deep inside you and you'll naturally, effortlessly manifest it all YOU BELONG TO GOD!

The truth

There in you very eyes lies the true source of all Good things in life,it is LOVE eternal! And it belongs to God!...harness for the true source of LOVE and all Good things will be attracted into your life!....LOVE always

Mind renewal

one secret is when you have an inspired thought ,you have to trust it,and act on it! it will become a magnificient outcome!

Mind renewal

close your eyes and think for a moment,realize all the things that has made you realy joyfull,happy,and probably made you have tears of joy,take this in for about 10min and feel alsomeness of true and pure joy in you! By doing this you are attracting more of Good things into your life! TRY THIS